Good Morning Sparta! We are on a 2 Hour Delay Schedule today. Please note the time changes and lunches during block 3. Classes start at 9:50. Welcome back and be safe this morning in your commute.
5 months ago, Patsy Ainsworth
Late Arrival
Good Morning White Mountains Regional School District Families and Staff. We will have a 2- hour delay this morning.  There will be no preschool and breakfast will not be served.  Thank you
5 months ago, WMRSD
Click below to view Leaders and Learners Issue #9.
5 months ago, WMRSD
Leaders and Learners Issue 9
Good Afternoon - Berry Transportation has sent an updated bus route overview that will start 11/27/2023. Please review by going to the following link. This updated overview comes with the very exciting and long awaited addition of a bus. Starting on Monday 11/27/2023 the Whitefield and Twin Mountain bus formerly known as bus #121 (Pink Line) will now be separated. The Whitefield students will continue to ride bus #121 (pink Line) However will be arriving home approximately 40 minutes earlier. The Twin Mountain Students will now be riding bus #114 (Yellow Line) and no other changes should be made to their schedule. A couple side notes are the few Jefferson students that now board bus #100 in Whitefield at 2:15pm will now dismiss at regular dismissal time of 2:25pm and will board bus #121 (Pink Line) and then transfer to bus #106 (Blue Line) at WMRHS. The students in Bretton Woods and at The Mount Washington Hotel will no longer be on bus 9. They will now ride bus #114 (Yellow Line). This should have very little effect on their home arrival time. The students and families that will be most affected are the ones who live on Jefferson Rd and Bray Hill. Thank you!
5 months ago, WMRSD
Bus Route Information
Bus Route Information
Bus Route Information
Bus Route Information
Bus Route Information
¡Buenas tardes, Spartans! Here is some important info as well as deadlines to pay attention to.
5 months ago, Christine Slater
150 Days
5 months ago, Christine Slater
Giving Tree
A huge thank you to our wonderful Veterans who joined the WMRHS study body on November 9th to celebrate Veterans Day. Naval Captain, Jeff Carty was the keynote speaker. The students from student council, culinary, JROTC, and hospitality conducted a fabulous event. Sparta thanks you for your service!
5 months ago, Mike Curtis
Veterans Day
Interested in a Health Career? Save this date! Any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Gross- Sarah Slater-Sosa -
5 months ago, Christine Slater
Health Careers
Congratulations and thanks to all our Spartans who participated in Apply NH Day!
5 months ago, Christine Slater
Apply NH Day
Good morning, Spartans! Need a little extra help? Here's a helpful resource for you.
5 months ago, Christine Slater
Attention Spartan Seniors! We're in the home stretch! Only 5 days left!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
5 Days Left!
Here is Issue 8 of the 2023-2024 Leader and Learners Publication.
6 months ago, WMRSD
Leaders and Learners Issue # 8
Hey Spartans! Here's a fun way to support the class of 2027!!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
Class of 2027
Congratulations to Giles Bean !!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
Come Celebrate our Fall Athletes Tonight at 6:00 Way to go Spartans!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
Fall Sports
Another FREE resource from our SAP office! We know how it feels to be concerned about our kids, especially in today's world. This webinar is for all parents/guardians/people who work with or care about our youth. The webinar will uncover the real health risks of youth vaping, shine a light on how the tobacco industry targets our kids, & arm participants with practical strategies to have those crucial conversations with the young people in your life. Click here to register - whether you attend live or watch it later, you'll get a recording of the webinar.
6 months ago, Christine Slater
It's the Final Countdown! DANA-NAA-NUHH… DANA-NA-NA-NUUUH!!!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
13 Days
"On this Veteran's Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free." —Dan Lipinski
6 months ago, Christine Slater
ATTN: Coaches needed! Come be a part of our Spartan Team!
6 months ago, Christine Slater
'Pie, pie, me oh my, Nothing tastes better, sweet, salty and dry!' Show some support for your 2025 Spartans!
6 months ago, Christine Slater